Monday, December 10, 2007

Endy Chavez left yesterday's game with discomfort...

I ran the article through Google translator, which is always worth some amusement:

Andrus, who came in the first inning to replace Endy Chavez due to some discomfort, connected his third home run of the season and towed four rayitas.

From further down that article:

Endy Chavez was injured in the very first episode in a move treads and third runs at the plate. The gardener suffered a pulled in corva right and the left ankle sprain. Today, Monday, will be considered by Flavio Abathamateo, medical equipment, to know the extent of injury.


Edit: And he's not in tonight's lineup for Magallanes.


  1. o, the torment of us mets fans

  2. you guys got a public thanks on metsblog for this piece. niiice.

    and uh, good thing we have pagan now i guess.
